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So now that you have a basic idea of what self hosting means and the broad list of things that you can self host, it's a good time to go through the course outline. The course as mentions in it's title is 101 Level (Basic Level) and we'll gradually pace the course from learning basics of a Linux system, to hosting a webserver, deploying a Python based full stack application and finally learning a bit about debugging and monitoring these systems.


Course Outline

Mon School Self Hosting 101

Course Outcomes

At the end of this course, you should be able to:

  • Setup a personal server using major cloud providers.
  • Be confident in running off the shelves apps like NGINX/Redis/PostgreSQL.
  • Learn how to deploy and run Python applications.
  • Managing Day 2 tasks like debugging using metrics and logs.

Week 1

Objective: Setup and configure a VPS.

  • Provision a droplet
  • Configure the droplet with users, SSH keys
  • Learn about package management
  • Learn about Files and Directories
  • Basics of tmux

Week 2

Objective: Deploy a static website with NGINX

  • Install a webserver nginx.
  • Configure NGINX to serve a hello world website.
  • Configure NGINX to deploy your personal blog.

Week 3

Objective: Deploy a Python application

  • Setup a database using PostgreSQL
  • Setup and configure the Python application.
  • Configure gunicorn/uwsgi to make it accessible via a webserver.
  • Configure NGINX to setup a reverse proxy

Week 4

Objective: Setting up system services

  • Learn about systemd, supervisorctl to setup background services.
  • Learn about cron to setup periodic jobs.

Week 5

Objective: Logs, Debugging and Fixing

  • Find critical information using system logs.
  • Basic Linux utilities to find about disk usage, resource usage, network I/O.

Week 6

Objective: Recap + Further Reads

  • Reflect upon the course so far/things learnt etc
  • Automate certain tasks

Optional: Based on the interest in the course we can add a week on Hosting apps using Docker/Containers