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Setup a site using git

So far we've covered how to create our own site on the server and make it accessible. However in most real world cases, you'll want to fetch the website from an external source and set it on your server. The most common usecases are personal websites/blogs etc where you store the content in a git repo and build the website using a Static Site Generator.

Let's clone a sample website from Monschool repo and set it up as red.<user>

git clone <> ~/red.<user>

We are now going to introduce the concept of symlink. A symlink is a redirect for a file. For example, consider we have a file ~/test.txt.

touch ~/test.txt

To make it available at a different place, say ~/new.txt, we can symlink test.txt. The advantage here over copying the file as new.txt is that the underlying file exists only in one place (~/test.txt) but a new copy of it also exists in ~/new.txt. So whenever we have to change the original file, we just need to do it in one place.

ln -s ~/test.txt ~/new.txt

Using ln -s we can create the symlink. We can verify the symlink exists using ls -l:

$ ls -l  new.txt
lrwxrwxrwx 1 karan karan 20 Dec 22 12:39 new.txt -> /home/karan/test.txt

Now that we understand how symlink works, you must be wondering why we introduced this in this chapter. Well, that is because whenever we pull our website using git pull and get the latest changes, we don't really want to copy our changes inside /var/www directory where we expect the site assets. (It is possible to change the root directory to where your site is, it's just a general good practice to keep it under /var/www so that if you have a lot of different sites on the system, you can all see it under one folder).

So, to achieve the above goal, we need to symlink ~/red.<user> to /var/www/. Let's do that:

sudo ln -s ~/red.<user> to /var/www/

Now, using the knowledge from previous lesson where we created a blue.conf, let's create a red.conf as well:

TODO: Same config, paste here.

Project: Setup a blog using Hugo

Now that you understand how sites are setup, cloned etc, it's time that you setup your own website using a static site generator. For this course, we will use hugo. Hugo is a popular static site generator written in Golang. It's a single binary program that can be downloaded and used to create websites using Markdown content. For this exercise, your task is to install Hugo, build a basic website and host it via NGINX.

You can refer to following links:


todo: rename red.<>.monschool folder